Celebrating over 35 years of sales & service to our valued customers!
Referrals on HVAC systems & Duct Cleaning Jobs!
Give us a referral that leads to a sale and we give you $$$$! The only limit is you can only use one referral per customer and we will pay only for the first referral we get. In other words if 2 people submit for one referral, we will pay the first person we received the referral from that led to a closed sale.
How does it work? Well, we HATE to be solicited ourselves so we will NOT solicit your friends, family or neighbors, BUT if you hear your neighbor, friend or family needs a new HVAC system and were thinking about getting an estimate for a new HVAC system, give them a copy of this card below and we will send you $25.00 once the job is sold and paid in full.
NO, we do NOT add that price onto your friends bill. This is just our way of saying "Thank you" for referring your family & friends to us. We are so proud that you feel confident in our work & service that you would consider referring family & friends, and this is our way of saying "Thank You!"
Give it a try, like we say......no strings attached.
Referral Card, must be completed & turned in for payment. Note 4 cards will print. If select double sided printing our address will print on back side of card for your mailing convenience. Use post card stock or card stock for best results.